Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reading: "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett

The main feature in the Theater of the Absurd (click here to learn more) is the play "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett.

This play is deceptively short and simple, yet it is rife with mystery and complexity. It has been known to leave its audience wondering, "What is the point?"

Your goal, as you read this play, is to determine THE POINT. You can click on Samuel Beckett's Official Page to reach the full text of the play. Please note that there are two acts in the play - be sure to read both.

As you read through the play (you may want to wrangle up another classmate or your little brother/sister/cousin to act it out with you), please create the following pages in your notebook:

1. Waiting for Godot Characters: Name the characters and their key personality traits.
2. Waiting for Godot Plot Summary: As best as you can, describe the plot of the story.
3. Waiting for Godot Conflict: Describe the conflict within the play.
4. Waiting for Godot Vocabulary: Define a list of at least ten words within the play that are new to you.

Once you are done reading the play and completing your pages on character/plot/conflict/vocabulary, write an essay (one page in length) in which you determine, to the best of your ability and using your personal experience, the point of the play Waiting For Godot.

Once you are done your reading and writing, take a moment to enjoy this video from Sesame Street:

Deep, yes? You had no idea what you were REALLY watching when you were little, did you?

If you are interested in the serious rendition of this play, watch below:


Visit YouTube for the rest of the play!

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